Back: Ethne Hufkie, Elaine Stanley, Paul Merifield, Hildegarde Brummer (Ex-Officio, Manager), Peter Whitlock, Harold and Catherine Steven-Jennings. Front: Ampie Jordaan, Riana v.d. Ahee (Ex-Officio, PR & Marketing)
Vuyani Safe Haven’s board is composed of people with different skills and attributes, which ensures that the appropriate expertise is available to administer the funds and run the Child and Youth Care Centre effectively. All board members are volunteers who serve Vuyani without receiving any remuneration for their board functions.
All board members have been serving in different portfolios for more than 5 years to bring a continuity and understanding of the intricacies involved in the management of a children’s home.
Hildegarde Brummer, manager of Vuyani, and Riana van der Ahee, PR & Marketing officer of Vuyani, are the two ex-officio board members. They attend board meetings or executive meetings to report back on their portfolios and the management of staff, children and fundraising activities. Vuyani Staff